Once a child asked her son a kid when you're big so what? No
one answered I want to be a cop, I want to be a soldier there is also
the answer I wanted to be a doctor was also a bit that says I want to beengineer but no one answered I WANT TO BE A SAILOR probably not as
popular as professional mariners professions mentioned above. And as sailors know it's delicious !!!!!! streets
every related area even out of the country for free and are definitely
in the love of money wages. well now time for us to get to know anyone who
works on the ship after the previous post that we know the type of ship
types in this post we will peel a bit about the department,
qualifications , office duties and responsibilities of people who work on the ship.In general on board divided from :
- Deck Department
- Position
the highest in this department as well as the highest skipper is on
board, as a representative of the company responsible for that boat he
skippered a well operated safely and efficiently appropriate with company
rules, international rules and regulations. Every
person has the right to be a captain if it meets the criteria and has a
professional diploma ANT marine (nautical expert level I) to ship
unlimited weight and flow of cruise ships, ANT (nautical expert level
II) can be the captain of the ship is less than 5000 tons with no
shipping limited, it can also be a ship captain with less than 7500 tons have been a propagator condition 1 is not less than two years.
- Position
a level below the skipper is a chief Officer, which is the chief
propagator one has the task of working deck section with a boatload of
responsibility, perform the task watch for sailing, responsible for the
supply of fresh water, which to a propagator of the sailors must have a
certificate of ANT II with infinite heavy groove and cruise, ANT III chief Officer can be one with maximal dead weight of the ship no more than 3000 tons.
- second officer two is the position of the propagator under a deck officer Yang has
responsibility for the route to be taken by the cruise ship, set the
direction of navigation, updating maps, is responsible for the
maintenance of navigation aids. To become a certified pilot two sailors expertise ANT III
- ANT IV to become an officer on board the cruise ship cruise ships intersuler between islands on board a small vessel
- ANT V to be an officer on board the cruise ship cruise ships intersuler between islands on board a small vessel
- ANT deck section D for rating
2. Engine Department
- Chief
Engineer Title Is Most high in the engine room, was responsible for
overall all machinery on board, to become Chief engineer must have a
certificate of expert sailors Teknik Level (ATT) I ship unlimited
Tehnika Expert Level (ATT) II premises engine
power less than or equal to 3000 kilo watt, Tehnika Expert Level (ATT)
II with unlimited engine power cruise the coast, Tehnika Expert Level
(ATT) III engine with a power of less than 3000 kilo watt cruise beach
area with experience serving as a machinist a minimum of two years of diving
- first engineer Is
the chief engineer of the inner workings of the machine, is responsible
for the smooth operation of the main engine to be a train driver must
have a certificate of expert sailors Tehnika Level (ATT) II aboard
infinite Tehnika Expert Level (ATT) IIII with the engine power of less
than 3000 kilo watt cruise beach area
- second engineer responsible for fuel oil for ships and auxiliary engines must
be a certified engineer two expertise sailors Tehnika Expert Level (ATT)
- Third engineer is responsible for all pumps are onboard
- Expert level Tehnika (ATT) can be an officer IV inter-island vessel engine
- Expert level Tehnika (ATT) V can be small ship engine officer between islands
- Expert level Tehnika (ATT) Basic
addition to a certificate of expertise and sailors both ANT ATT to be a
sailor must also have some additional certificates such as BST, PSCRB,
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