Onceweknow thetypeof shipthewrongkindonlydrivingengineorthe motoristhenin timewe willgetinto theshipto findouttheexistingmachineryonboardwithoutfurtheradowesoonpeeledone by one
MAIN engine Main engineisthe main powerto drive thepropellershaftpropellerwhich will beforwarded to thepropellerbladesto move theshipitselfeveryshipis differentdepending on the sizeand needsare inoneboat, there is onemain enginetherearetwomain enginedepending on the sizeand needs ofthe vesselbutdoes notmeanthe biggerthe shipthe moremachinesparent, the parentmachineis generallylocatedat down side for groundedshippropellerandaxlefollowsHeroof themain engine.
Auxiliary engine Auxiliary engine, thismachinesize,smaller thanthemain engineof themainfunctions oftheauxiliary engineto drive thegeneratorengineElectricboatswe can imagineifthere is noelectricityonboardthevessel will bedarksothatinplaceofthe averageauxiliary engineauxiliary engineon boardmorethan oneeven up tohave fourauxiliary engines
Aircraft AuxiliaryIs the machinery that is intended to help the smooth operation of a ship machinery, general machinery are as follows
The aircompressor,aircompressoris a toolon the production ofleanairused topowerearlystartonamachine thatuses airpropulsionor commonlyknown by thepneumaticpropulsionsystem,
Pumpfuel pumpisusedtomovethefuelfrom thetankcreep(bottomtank) tothesettlingtankintotankholdersbeforesubmissionto the machinerequires.
Fresh Water Pump, pump serves to fresh water is supplied to the accommodation as the bathroom toilet, kitchen
Pump, a machine that works 24 hours a day so that his name and the
absolute need for a cooling pump that's mounted a name that aims to
circulate cooling water cooling machine
Ballast, when there is no cargo ship the hull will be lifted to the
surface of the water with these conditions would endanger the safety of
the vessel for which the ship is equipped with a pump ballast water into
the tank to enter the ballast tanks, otherwise when ships loaded with
the position of the vessel will be the entry of water into the ballast pump is used to pump out the water that was in the ballast tanks
Bilge pumps, these pumps are made to pump water from the engine room bilge better and hold the ship
water separator, before the dirty water from the engine room and the
hold should be dumped overboard through this tool that serves as the
name suggests is separating water and oil so as not to pollute the ocean
Purifier, this tool has the function to separate the oil and water before entering the machine
Clarifier, is used to separate the oil and dirt such as mud debelum channeled into machine
machinery is designed to generate steam which steam is generated can be
used to heat the heavy oil before it goes into the machine, for space
heating, and can also be used for cooking
The crane / winch, crane machines as a driver that is in use for activities Unloading and loading cargo ship
there is a glimpse of the ship machinery in general for more detailed
discussion we will discuss in the post next post, may be useful
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